Steve's wife, Terri, and two young children, Bindi Sue and Bob, returned to the Sunshine Coast on Monday after a trekking vacation in Tasmania. No word has been said as to how the family is coping. ..... steve every1 in stafford and cannock and rugely will miss u, rock on and keap on wot ur doin in hevan and i hope ur there when i die. Jake Thorley age 12. September 12, 2006 - 09:23AM. steve irwin was the man! Never has one man got so many people especially children into ...
Terminado o desfile, mais ou menos ?s 14 horas, no Líder bHotel/b, foi oferecido um almoço aos ?pracinhas?, no qual tomaram parte o 1? Tte. Eduardo Cerqueira César, cabos Marcilho Luiz Pinto e José Padilla Bravos, soldados Moacir Augusto de ... Oguimar bRugeli/b, inspetor escolar, representando a Delegacia Regional do Ensino; prof. Geraldo Brand?o, diretor do Ginásio Estadual; prof. Ramiz Gattaz, representante da ?Folha da Manh?? e do Serviço Informativo da SAM; José Gonzaga, ...